It's such a cozy day today, though not that much for driving :). We Midwesterns are experiencing quite a big snow storm since Sunday afternoon, and uni was canceled today for me, which is rare really. The funny thing is, I did not like the cancellation at all; I was actually looking forward to having my printmaking class today so that I could ask my professor for suggestions and help on my newest drawing. Unlike the last one, which I struggled all throughout, this one came to me relatively easy, and the process of drawing was really enjoyable. I'm kinda worried now because the drawing hasn't been etched or printed yet; and I had to turn in the porfolio this coming Thursday!!! The bad thing is... the snow won't stop until tomorrow, and by then, the snow would be up to around 12 inches or so (hopefully it won't be that bad), and I'm not sure how I will handle driving around in ~that~, lol.
So... I finally deactivated my Facebook account after three months of non activity. I don't think I'll be missed, lol XD, nor will I miss it. It's a nice social network site, though it's just too much stimulation for me, and I can't handle stimulation all that well. The old dear best friends I used to have I was unable to find online, and now I'd prefer to contact the few current friends I have via emails, phones or face to face :), also, I once lost quite a bit of personal information so now I'm always kinda nervous to have too much of my info online for others to see, so deactivating seemed a welcoming approach. Actually for a period of time I hated Facebook and how superficial it is to see everybody 'keeping in touch' with shallow comments, or 'collecting' friends just for the sake of it (I had seen people with over 1000 friends, what the heck!). Of course, I was like that too, friending people I know briefly for like one day, or accepting request for friends from acquaintance of my friends. It's rather pathetic... I guess it was during the time when my acceptance of myself was low, and I couldn't tolerate the fact that I had not much friends in real life therefore the race to add as much people I know to the list as possible so that I won't have to appear as 'uncool' or 'unsocial' (I got so irritated when a manager made a joke on how I only had 30 friends or so on FB, and that she wasn't good enough to be my 'friend', seriously, people like that get on my nerves!). Now that I look back, it's just so silly. It feels like high school and popularity contest all over again, and I want no part in it... there're just too much attention seekers and it gets tiresome having to see constant status updates, sometimes for things that I don't care to know about at all. Ah well... it's over now, and I have no regrets closing it out on me. Now, I don't hate it anymore, because I no longer care... I guess when you have no interest in something, you will see mostly the negative parts of it. That could have held true in my case; my life is not affected by the decision by any means because I wasn't fond of FB to begin with. I feel lucky I'm not addicted to it, as it opens door for me to connect with the few people I know on a much more personal level, and to leave time for me to study and for recreational activities and hobbies. And lately, I'm learning to give myself more time alone because it's my temperament (being an introvert) and not feeling bad about it; as well as being more open and honest to myself and to others. Now I can be silent in the company of another without feeling the guilt and urge to 'speak up', because I'm just acting myself and not trying to please everyone I come in contact with. It's exhausted to be agreeable all the time so that I would be liked. Man, I guess some people I know figured it out that it was all an act, lol? I was desperated for friendship a while back so I did all I could to be agreeable and likable, heheh... and it backfired really, because nobody likes a faked person.
Btw, I'm in love with the beat of this song "Hot Girl". Actually, this song is a 'controversial song' amongst the hot girls in Vietnam right now. I don't care, just thought the beat is awesome, and the lyrics aren't that bad :).
By: Hoang Hai and Manh Quan
Anyhoo, I'll go back to study now. Ja!
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