Below are some pictures from my trip to Anaheim, California. We were there for 6 days from 12/25 to 12/30 of 2008, but I still felt that it was not enough time :D. If it was possible we'd have waited to join New Year there before flying back home. Nevertheless, it was a very fun trip, and if we could visit it again, will probably take more pictures since we won't be running around trying to get on all the rides. The schedule went something like this: on the 25th, we joined Chi's cousin for a Christmas party after we landed in Anaheim that late afternoon; the 26th, we were at Universal Studio; the 27th, Disneyland :D; the 28th, Knot's Berry Farm; the 29th, shopping time at Phuoc Loc Tho, Korean town, etc.; the 30th, time to go home T__T; So we actually didn't have time to go to LA or Long Beach to visit Queen Mary ship; and my plans to visit the Art Museum and French bakery shops couldn't be met either; but my brother had sometime to visit one of his old highschool friends in Vietnam: Nghiem. Still, it was amazing :D, especially our time in Disneyland ^^v.

That's it for this post. Ja ne!!!
nice nice pictures,, i wish i could go there too.. :) be safe!
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