The reason for me being away from the blogging scene for a whole week was because I was super busy with school and works, yes, expected excuses... For three days I spent many hours completing and perfecting my cups and bowls and sculptures for my ceramic class. I was very pleased with myself when I finally got them done, no, make it tremendously. During time like that I feel productive and useful, my mind totally locked into a working mode, my concentration put into high gear and I just kept on rolling and rolling... unaware of my surroundings. When I came back to reality, things seemed a little out of perspective and just simply... unfamiliar somehow. That's what always happens after hours and days of working for me, be it for a painting, a sculpture or a design work; I feel out of touch, and sometimes a little withdrawn. It usually takes me days to get back to being social again, no matter how much I dislike being so. It's like I'm being programmed to act this certain way, and my mind just fails in making it out differently *sighs*. Well, this is Thanksgiving week, so I guess I should put all the emo and sentimental thoughts out of my mind and really start to look at the good blessed parts of my life. God loves me and has given me a really happy life up until this point... Whatever bad things that happened only helped to make me a stronger individual. I learned so much this year; it's the year that I fell in love, experienced heartbreak, re-evaluated my values and principles, seriously faced failures in school, lost friends that I treasured, parted with my very bestfriend, saw more of the world, came to appreciate and accept my true self and my family... It's the year that I grew more mentally and emotionally... I'm not very sure about the spiritual part. Even though this is the year I faced a lot of difficulties, it's also the year my heart and mind strayed farther away from God than ever before. But I don't know, the more I try with my own strength, at the end of the day, I just feel drained and empty. It's like losing some parts of myself. Days after days I remind myself to smile more, to be strong... it's still like just a chant to make myself feel better. I do everything for... me. It's so selfish, isn't it? It could be this very reason that from time to time I feel displeased and unhappy. I'm expecting too much out of life for just ... ME. Instant gratification, immediate attention, I want love... but I guess I have not really loved with my heart. And God saw that... I have a lot more to learn, don't I?
Now that I have some free time at last, I just don't know what to do *laughs*. Well, it's not like I don't have anything to do, it's just that... I find it harder and time-consuming to get start and finish on something else... Ironic, isn't it?
This afternoon before my art history class I had some time to rewatch one of my favorite movies: Il Mare starring the 'sassy girl' Jun Ji-hyun and one of my fav. actors: Mr. charming Lee Jung-jae. There's also a US remake of this movie in 2006 called The Lake House starring the very cute couple in Speed: Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves. Both versions are good, though personally I love Il Mare a lot more than its US version. Il Mare, being the Asian version, culturally and traditionally hits more at home for me. Its quietness and calming pace lead me deeper into the very lives of these two established career-driven yet lonely individuals, whose solitude lives make viewers emphatize and yearn for their meeting even more than they themselves. The plot can be a little confusing as it involves a little of time travel. The story goes like this (according to Wikipedia):
The story begins with Eun-joo moving out of a house by the sea called "Il Mare". As she is leaving, she leaves a Christmas card in the mailbox, asking the next resident to please forward her mail to her. Sung-hyun, an architectural student, receives her card, but is puzzled, since he is the first resident at "Il Mare" and the card is dated 2 years in the future. After a series of back and forth correspondences, Eun-joo and Sung-hyun realize they are living 2 years apart, Eun-joo in the year 2000 and Sung-hyun in the year 1998. After some testing, Eun-joo and Sung-hyun discover that the mailbox at "Il Mare" is enabling their communication and they can pass objects through it.
... and thus begins their time-transcending love.

What I really love about this movie the atmosphere it portrays, and its emphasis on the two main characters. Here you have a lonely girl Eun-joo moving into a new apartment with her dog Cola whose she found at Il Mare, the house on the sea in which she was the last tenant. She lives alone far away from her family, her only friend and confidant is a comic book store owner that seems to be asking Eun-joo to watch the bookstore for her whenever she's out and about with her boyfriend more than spending time with her. Her boyfriend is oversea and never calls her. She is quiet at work and doesn't seem to be the type that would joke and make connection with people. And here comes the other character: Sung-hyun, an established architect with a grudge with his father (we're never given the reason why actually, it remains a mystery until the end, but oh well, it's not like we need to know for the movie to work, XD). He's now the occupant of the house by the sea, and being the male version of this movie, he is in fact, a lot more alone than our heroine. There's no confidant, even though he does hang out with his coworkers occasionally and has a friend from college around. His crush (and possibly love?) left him to go study abroad. I don't know, to me, Sung-hyun seems much more lonely and reserved than Eun-joo. He does mostly everything alone: cooks, eats, exercises, plays, etc... well, there's still Cola, but you know what I mean. With the backgrounds like that for the two main characters, we as viewers couldn't help but long and desire for these two aimless and clueless souls to get together. Or at least, I was like that the whole time. I enjoyed so much seeing their interactions, even only through messages. Obviously, the man has to suffer more, lol. It's sort of unfair in a way, but it works, and it makes the film a lot more romantic. I ached for Sung-hyun way more than I for Eun-joo. He makes sacrifices and commitments, all for Eun-joo while she accepts them and still quivers with confusion whenever troubles arrive and her expectations not met. Or perhaps because she's a woman, she expresses more and that's why we viewers see more of her weaknesses. Still, Eun-joo is the more energetic one who initiates activities and contacts. You gotta love a girl who takes charge, lol. This film shows the differences between the two genders quite well. Even though it's not a movie to be focus on that aspect. But I couldn't help but smile when I see Eun-joo confining with her friend about her problems while Sung-hyun throwing himself to work alone; Eun-joo telling Sung-hyun directly about what's been troubling her and he gives her advices on what to do while Sung-hyun never really says much about his problem with his dad until Eun-joo finds out and reaches out to help him when he's down. Overall, it's such a wonderful romantic film. It's a film that emphasizes true love that waits and respects. The whole movie our main characters never truly meet each other face to face and know that, not until the very end. It shows a much more respected and reserved love in my opinion and I love it. Love doesn't mean you have to get to see a person everyday, get to see him/her naked and have sex or to be around with that person when you're lonely. It's much more than that. Love endures and respects and stays with time. Well... that's what an ideal love should be for me, lol. Of course, it's different for everybody.
The original MV of Il Mare, the song is called Must Say Goodbye
And here's another version, a fanmade one (it pretty much has the exact same scenes but with a different song, it's still a very good song selection though):
A sudden doll obsession?!... Oh no (>,,<;)a ... I frequent Blythe doll forum quite a bit as of late, but Blythe dolls don't attract me as much as these Lati dolls. It's that melancholy look of them that appeal to me a lot. But they're hella expensive and can be hard to find so yup, for now, they're just a dream to me T^T; Who knows... one of these days I could be crazy enough to get one girl, hm...