(click for bigger view)Let me introduce the newest member of my Kiki family: So-no-i :). She's a ginger-girl, adopted from Hobby Lobby for around 6 bucks. Pretty and unpretentious, she was all that I had my eyes upon when I was there. As soon as I had her home, I knew that I had to take pictures of her posing in various backgrounds: the left picture I had her posing in front of my computer screen which was dressed up in a pretty Meomi's wallpaper; and the right picture, So-no-i was playing with my puzzle snow pieces (the jigsaw puzzle is a very cute one actually, my ex got me one box and I haven't gotten around to do it until now) XD. Isn't she such a cutie <3??>,<.
Anyways, let's move on... so, is anyone getting excited for Christmas yet? It snowed a bit yesterday, and the temperature today dropped significantly, lows in the teens and highs around 30s or so, yup, it was a freakin' doodily freezing day today. I'm getting hyped up for Christmas however. Got a list of presents that I shall be making for my friends and loved ones, and guess what... they're gonna be mostly handmade items. That's the reason of me being in Hobby Lobby earlier :). My crocheted scarf is coming along nicely, I still have some more to do but I will be changing patterns; hopefully that will make the process much quicker. I also went to Barnes&Noble to look at some amigurumi books and found some very very interesting ones on crocheting and sewing. Didn't buy the books though because the prices were pretty high so I hopped onto Amazon to order them when I got home. They are:
Amigurumi World - Seriously cute Crochet

I'm planning to crochet a few stuffed plushies for my niece. It's gonna be important for me because she's the one I have never held or seen before due to some family conflicts. I hope with this present and the Christmas spirit, our families could at least sit down and break the distance between us. I really really hope God will be helping me in this.
Stray Sock Sewing - Making one-of-a-kind creatures with Socks.

Guess what, I got this one mainly because of the cute pictures presented in this book, seriously. I realized that the book does not included instructions for all the creatures, but it's detailed and cute enough to wet my appetite for cuteness, lol XP.
Well, that's all for today. I hope you enjoy your week so far. Ja ne!