May 9, 2009

Please welcome our newest family members:

The fishies!!! I got these beauties several days ago and am busy keeping them alive, ha ha ha... *cruel laughter* or more like *cynical laughter*... I don't know, but taking care of pet or things in general does make one more responsible, or stressful :D. Okay, the thing here is... I don't know the rules of taking care of fishies. A friend pulled me into keeping them as pets, and I was like... 'sure, it sounds fun'. Three days later, one of the fishies crossed over to the other land and I was just... dumbstruck, not knowing what to do. I had to go to work early on that day and the fish just laid there, eye poked out, refusing to move. My heart ached, man... and was so heavy with guilt. I had to put him (or her, I don't know T___T) into the fridge and prepared his funeral later when I got off work. My evil brother even asked me when I will fry the poor soul, that just broke my heart, hic... I love these fishies though... they make our dining table more lively. My dad now goes home after work and the first thing he does is to look for these cuties :D. And there's this very cute story about my mom, hehe... One night our house just got so hot (thanks to the AC breaking down, another old story) and my mom turned on the fan, which is just directly above the fishies. A minute later, she came running over to a sleeping me in the living room (yes, I do sleep on the couch in the living room 'occasionally', no scractch that, make it 'very often') and asked in that panic whisper: 'An, will the fishies be okay? Oh, I'm kinda worry...' haha, that was just.... soooo... cute of my mom. She was worried about the fishies because she turned on the fan? haha... that made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside for some odd reason ^^. So now... I'm trying hard to just keep them alive... sounds very morbid but hey, at least two of them are still swimming happily in the tank and everybody in the family loves them and waits for them to grow big to... whatever, whatever... not eating them of course, or... I don't know... it's almost 1:30 am here so my mind is rather frantic. Don't take my words too seriously :D.

Last Friday was fun ^^v. Be' Mam invited me to join her birthday party in the park. This time around I decided to make something to keep her office desk less lonely. So I crocheted a clueless Cactus dork who likes to stick to other people's business (hence his note reminder self!) and a spilled Mocha cup dude whose only hobby is to sit around and let people sip on him -__-; Yea, they suck major ball but uhm, I tried 0.o;a and I'll try harder next time, hahaha :D:D.

Last but not least, I just wanted to say HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all the Mothers in the world!!! And especially to my very dear lovely mother, I LOVE YOU LOTS AND LOTS <3333 (I know she won't be reading this, but I really just wanted to say that :D). Got something special special for her too, heheh :D... I hope you all have a good mother's day with your moms. Treasure your mothers, for you're extremely lucky to still have her by your side until this day. I thank the Lord everyday for my mom and family and friends. To still have someone to care for and say I love you is one of the greatest blessings ever. Have a wonderful day!!!!!!


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